Is Goldendoodle a friendly dog?

The adored Goldendoodle, a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle, is popular due to his affable personality and his lovely (and allergen-friendly!) coat.

Goldendoodles, which come in both standard and tiny sizes, are energetic yet loving dogs who like human interaction. Goldendoodles thrive on regular walks or outdoor play sessions to meet their physical fitness needs, and because both of their parent breeds are sociable and clever, they are great.


Given that poodles vary in size more than golden retrievers do, a Goldendoodle poodle pedigree has a significant impact on his height and weight. A standard poodle will produce a full-sized goldendoodle, however, a miniature poodle parent will most likely diminish the pup’s full-grown stature. Standard doodles can be over 21 inches tall and weigh up to 100 pounds. Miniature Goldendoodles normally weigh no more than 35 pounds and stand no taller than 14–17 inches.

While golden retrievers have coats that stick to the wheat or golden range, a poodle can be any color; this diversity is also seen in goldendoodles. While teddy bear gold is the most common color, breeding can produce black, white, brown, cream, and red goldendoodles. In extremely rare situations, a pup produced from numerous generations of doodles will have recessive color features like as gray, blue, or even multicolor.

Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of Goldendoodles is their “hypoallergenic” coat. A Goldendoodle, a descendant of the poodle, is a popular choice for dog owners with allergies because it sheds little, making it a suitable fit for people who sneeze or itch around puppies. A doodle that is 75 percent standard poodle and 25 percent golden retriever (known as an F1B goldendoodle) is a wonderful alternative for owners looking for a large dog that does not shed. These inherit a curlier poodle coat, which is preferable for people with dog allergies.

A goldendoodle may have curly, poodle-like locks or get a more wavy mane from its retriever parent. Despite their allergy-friendly fur, doodles have a double coat made up of a dense undercoat of short hairs and a top coat of longer hairs known as guard hairs. Dogs with this layered fur require regular grooming.


Goldendoodles’ gentle demeanor stems from their golden retriever heritage, making them an excellent choice for families with young children. They are naturally cautious with newborns and toddlers and will make patient companions for children as they get older. However, like with any breed, you must supervise tiny children and dogs, and ensure that your children learn basic pet interaction techniques.

As exceptionally friendly dogs, they enjoy socializing and rarely meet a human or other animal they do not like, including smaller critters such as cats. Instead of eager to chase, Goldendoodles are relaxed and even shy.

They are also extremely trainable, given to the large brains they inherited from both parents. According to the Goldendoodle Association of North America. Poodles and golden retrievers rank among the top five of the 150 smartest dog breeds. So, while playful, these puppies are obedient when properly trained. They can also learn some amusing tricks.

Lynne Whitmire has been raising Goldendoodles in the Appalachian foothills for over 15 years. The GANA blue ribbon breeder says that one of the Goldendoodle’s outstanding qualities is its disposition. “They’re not happy unless they’re with their people,” Whitmire explains. “They think they are a full-fledged family member.”

Living Needs

A Goldendoodle will require regular play and exercise. Whether it’s a morning walk or a game of fetch in the backyard (or both!). With such a laid-back temperament, they’ll thrive with more playmates (dogs and humans alike). Doodles are also known for their love of water, and swimming provides them with another way to exercise.

While outdoor time is still necessary, a small Goldendoodle prefers apartment living to a standard-size doodle. And, as long as your puppy has been properly taught and socialized, neither standard nor miniature Goldendoodles are excessive barkers, so you won’t have to worry about grumpy neighbors.


They’ll need to see a professional groomer every 6–8 weeks, but they won’t require much bathing after that. Baths regularly can create dry skin; therefore, experts advise bathing doodles only if they are smelly or dirty.

Brushing is required more frequently as the coat becomes curlier. In general, a goldendoodle requires frequent brushing to avoid uncomfortable matting. However, if they have a straight coat or extremely short hair, weekly brushing will be enough.

Goldendoodle Dog Personality

Goldendoodles’ disposition, like their appearance, may bear more resemblance to one parent than another. However, they are generally clever, obedient, and incredibly affectionate dogs. Goldendoodles adore people and get along well with other dogs, and they are calm and kind with young children, making them an excellent choice for families.

As highly social dogs, they require companionship and would not thrive as outside dogs or in households where they would be left alone for extended periods of time. Which could lead to separation anxiety.

What to expect

Goldendoodles are high-energy dogs who require ample space to run and play. As a result, they may not be suitable for flats but might work well in a home with a fenced-in yard. They require approximately 30 minutes of daily play and exercise to remain fit and interested.

With their high intelligence, they might become bored quickly and require activities to keep them out of mischief. But they can also be satisfied curling up on the couch for cuddles. If you’re crate training them, provide toys to keep them busy and turn on the TV or radio when you leave so they don’t become distressed when alone.

Although Goldendoodles may inherit their golden retriever parents’ shedding habits, they normally shed little. They don’t need to be bathed more than once every few months unless they get soiled, but their coats must be brushed daily to prevent matting. If their coat is kept relatively short, as some pet parents like, they will only need to be brushed once or twice a week.

History of Goldendoodle Dogs

Goldendoodles debuted in the 1990s as a larger alternative to the already popular cockapoo. A mix between a poodle and a cocker spaniel. They are a relatively new addition to the designer poodle crossbreeds. However, demand has recently increased due to a rise in popularity that social media has driven.

The AKC and other international purebred dog registries do not recognize goldendoodles as mixed-breed canines. As of 2019, no breeding clubs had emerged to encourage the establishment of a breed standard. However, they are acceptable to the American Canine Hybrid Club and can register there.

Goldendoodles are as adorable as they are sweet and affectionate, and they are also energetic and playful. Making them an ideal choice for busy families that enjoy including their dogs in all of their outdoor experiences.

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